Sunday, October 22, 2006

T Minus Two Days


hehe.. thought of a funny little update, since i've got nothing to do neway..

so gemana kabare kalian semua?? ada yang mudik? huehueue... yah a little advice ajah.. kalo mudik yah ga usah sungkan-sungkan.. yang lamaaa geto.. kan enak nih Jakarta... kapan lagi isa guling-gulingan di jalan... ehehehe...

hueuehe.. that's it for this update setengah ga niat.. tar deh gwe kasi live report kalo pas gwe lagi mudik ke negeri jiran disanaa.. (moga2 ga ketutupan kabut).. hahaha...

smell you guys later!

ps: who the heck is Shelly.. hmmmmmm

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Title Pending.. (dunno what to write, actually..)


it's been quite a while, isn't it?

haha.. been through a lot of commotions guys...

yeah, salah atunya adalah laptop gwe jatoh dan gwe menghabiskan minggu gwe meratapi kebodohan gwe.. duh..

and the other reason is.. yup, you guys guessed it right.. insomnia striked again.. and this time.. it caught me unaware... going to sleep at 3am is NOT good for anyone...

uuuh... kalo kaya gini sih, pengen nyari kegiatan apaa gitu.. biar tidur enak...

haha,mengingat gwe ngetik ini di laptop pinjeman.. ampe segini aja dulu yah.. kalo kata Bugs Bunny sih, That's All, Folks!!! hueheuheu.. begitu gwe ada waktu, mungkin beberapa ari lagi.. gwe nulis yang lebi menarik..


Monday, October 02, 2006

One Week After..


i know this is not the scheduled update, but believe me, the update is on, and I'm not going to neglect this blog though.. haha.

it's been a week since i end my internship at a Graphic House somewhere in Sudirman. and, (in par with one of my older post), i find it kinda funny, when you wake up one day, and find out that you don't have to do the same routines that you've been doing for the last two months..

as for the guys there, i mean at my intern office, they're so unique, yet friendly, thus erasing the myth of internees are often neglected.. see, for one instance, the girls (yes, all of them) are way too narcissistic for their own good.. haha, 145 photos on my cellphone can clarify this..*wink

as for the graphic designer, the office has a wide arrangement of unique persona, from one way-too-loud designer to the eagle-eyed art director, they're all there..

haha, but it's a fun 2 and a half month, where i've learned enough, criticized enough, and punched enough (doh!) to leave a valuable memory in one phase in my helluva life..

haha.. so to that one Graphic House in Sudirman, serious kudos to you guys!

PS: cape euy pake full inggris.. :p